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luxury chauffeur treatment and valet service


The main advantage of valet parking is convenience.


Customers don't have to walk from a distant parking spot carrying heavy loads. Many handicapped drivers rely on valet parking when they can't walk from and to a distant parking spot.


Likewise people who don't have time to search for a parking spot can valet park without the hassle. Valet parking is especially convenient in bad weather.


Most professional valet attendants are well insured, and knowledgeable about nearly every make and model of car and their quirks; including after market alarm systems, and keyless ignitions.


An advantage of valet parking is that it is possible to pack more cars into a given physical space, in what is generally known as "stack parking".


The valet holds all the keys and can park the cars two or more deep, as he can move cars out of the way to free a blocked-in car.

luxury chauffeur service London

"Over the past close to 10 years I have been using Nicolae´s services in Bucharest and have been constantly impressed by the level of service, the reliability and the customer orientation he delivers. Can definitely recommend his services."


Michael Huchler, Vice President - Leading Change @Oracle


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